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My personal journey from Fine Arts major to RN to Restorative Tattoo Artist

The story of how Restore began: my journey from a Fine Arts Major to RN to Restorative Nipple Tattoo Artist

February 05, 20241 min read

My personal journey from Fine Arts major to RN to Restorative Tattoo Artist

An Excerpt from the podcast:

"Cooper Tyree is a wife, a mom, and a nurse among a LOT of other amazing things. To me, Coop has been a dear friend and a total inspiration on multiple occasions. In this episode, she shares her story of how a season that once felt pointless and wasteful was turned into something redemptive, beautiful, and so desperately needed. Everything about Cooper is contagious-from her spirit, to her laugh, to her zeal and passion for people, and I think you will simply ADORE her and love hearing her story!"

Melissa Chaney (GET THIS! podcast)2021

To listen to my story go to

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